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Our Workshops

All workshops, whether in person or virtual, are designed to address each group's specific questions or needs. While the workshops listed below have been designed for 20-40 people, all workshops can be tailored to groups of any size. If you are interested in learning more about these and other customizable workshops, please drop us a line at

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Unlocking your superpowers and finding your gaps

Each of us has different skills and talents to contribute to a work environment, project, or idea. And no matter how dedicated you might be to a cause or job, it’s not realistic – or even wise – for every individual to embody every quality. Sometimes we need to find partners and others who can balance our qualities and help fill in the gaps on missed opportunities. This workshop will help you not only unlock your strongest qualities, but also discover what you’re missing and cultivate strategies for attracting those resources.

Getting better outcomes from written and verbal communication

Getting someone’s attention or engaging them in an idea requires you to reach out in a way that leaves them feeling good about the communication. Whether you’re engaging someone you know or a new hopeful connection, crafting a meaningful and respectful message is crucial for getting someone’s time and discretionary effort. This workshop includes modules on crafting better LinkedIn messages, the difference between casual and disrespectful language, and what AI gets wrong when trying to forge relationships.

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Transactions versus relationships: why does this matter for my business?

Some businesses are designed to be transactional and absolutely thrive that way. Transactions only pose a problem if one of the stakeholders is expecting a relationship instead. But some companies recognize that focusing on the customer and getting to know them will be the key to repeat, loyal business. This workshop will walk through the difference between sales and customer service, and help you discover which is actually needed for your business right now.

Connecting different dots: getting out of tunnel vision

We all can get stuck in our own ways of thinking and our limiting beliefs, and it can be hard to look up to find inspiration elsewhere. This workshop walks through the process you can use to activate ways of thinking, resources, and conversations to approach your challenges differently, opening you up to a whole new world of possibilities.

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Establishing new connections and building social capital

The greatest resource you have is your network and connection to people who believe in you. But what if you need to expand that or don’t have the established relationships you need? This workshop will help you understand ways you can forge new relationships and give you a framework for connecting with different types of people.

Pitching and sharing your vision (without overwhelming or losing people’s interest!)

Entrepreneurs and changemakers are inherently trying to challenge the status quo and develop something different. They require other people to believe in their vision or idea, whether that’s prospective funders, community members, or partners. This workshop will help you get clear and focused on what you are pitching and ensure that you’re communicating the right messages to the right audience.

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The difference between vision, illusion, and delusion

Visions are inherently aspirational in nature, and it’s important to always keep that spirit of reaching for the stars to help motivate yourself and your stakeholders. Anyone who is trying to create or change something needs to have a vision of something different, even if it’s not clearly defined. But there’s a fine line between selling someone on your vision and selling snake oil. In this workshop, we look closely at your visions, whether they’re formal statements or just conversations you’re leading, and make sure that your language remains aspirational while still being authentic.

Navigating different
cultural contexts

We continuously interact with different cultures, and it’s not just about where we come from or our beliefs. Corporate culture, for example, is dramatically different than nonprofit or government culture – and even then, different places will have different rules of engagement. This workshop will help you uncover the best ways to engage with the group you are trying to work with, and help you clarify your approach for communications.


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Changemaking is a
team sport

Do you have a great idea? See problems in your community or workplace that you want to do something about? How can you use your unique skill set to take action and bring others into your plan? In this workshop, we’ll unlock your creative and entrepreneurial skills, learn how to identify your strengths, and discover why creating change in any environment is a team sport.

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